The DASH Multidimensional Array (NArray)


dash::NArray is an N-dimensional array container class template. Its constructor requires at least two template arguments, one for the element type (int, double, ...) and one for the dimension (N).

The following example creates a two-dimensional integer matrix with 40 rows and 30 columns:

dash::NArray<int, 2> matrix(40, 30); // 1200 elements

The number of required runtime constructor arguments depends on the dimension of the dash::NArray. Except for a default constructed dash::NArray object, which requires no arguments and is used for delayed allocation (see [Delayed Allocation]), we need to specify at least the extents in each dimension. This can be achieved by either passing an object of type dash::SizeSpec<N> or by giving the extent in each dimension individually. For example:

// use SizeSpec
dash::SizeSpec<3> sspec(20, 30, 40); // 20x30x40 elements
dash::NArray<int, 3> mat1(sspec);
dash::NArray<int, 3> mat2(dash::SizeSpec<3>(5, 5, 5));

// specify extents directly, 10000 elem in a 4D cube
dash::NArray<int, 4> mat3(10, 10, 10, 10);

// unallocated matrices, separate .allocate() call needed
dash::NArray<int, 3> mat4, mat5;

// .allocate() accepts similar inputs as the constructor
mat4.allocate(20, 40, 10); xxx
mat5.allocate(sspec);      xxx

Further optional template arguments to specify the index type and storage order (also called memory arrangement) can be provided when instantiating the dash::NArray object. An example multidimensional array with column-major layout and long as the index type is shown below:

dash::NArray<int, 5, dash::COL_MAJOR, long>
matrix(100, 100, 100, 100, 100) ; // 10^10 or approx. 2^33.2 elements

In this example, the number of elements exceeds the range of a 32 bit index type (the default is ssize_t which can be changed using a build option in DASH) and a 64 bit index type is thus required.

Additionally, DASH offers both column-major and row-major storage for the elements (row-major is the default). These options determine the way in which the multi-dimensional index space is linearized and mapped on to the one-dimensional memory that computers work with.

For two-dimensional arrays this linearization can either happen row by row (aka. row-major storage) or column by column (aka. column-major storage). For arbitrary dimensions these definitions can be suitably extended and row-major then means that elements $(i, j,..., n)$ and $(i, j,..., n + 1)$ are stored next to each other, while in the case of column-major storage $(i, j,..., n)$ and $(i + 1, j, ...)$ are stored next to each other (not taking into account any possible data distribution among multiple units).

Fig. xxx visualizes the layout of elements in a two-dimensional dash::NArray, both with row-major storage. A final optional template argument specifies the type of the data distribution pattern used by the dash::NArray to determine the mapping of elements to units and finding their storage location. The following example shows the most general form, where all template parameters are explicitly specified.

using T        = int;                 // element value type
const int NDim = 2;                   // number of dimensions
const auto Arr = dash::COL_MAJOR;     // memory arrangement
using PatT     = dash::Pattern<NDim>; // pattern type
using IndexT   = PatT::index_type;    // index type

dash::NArray<T, NDim, Arr, IndexT, PatT> mat;

A dash::NArray is always allocated over a dash::Team, i.e., a group of units that contribute storage to hold the data for the container. A team can be specified as an optional last constructor argument. If no team is explicitly specified, it defaults to dash::Team::All(), the group of all units that exits when the program starts.

dash::Team & t = dash::Team::All().split (2);
// 100x100 elements allocated over t:
dash::NArray<int,2> mat(100,100,t);

Data Distribution

DASH offers a wide range of data distribution schemes using the dash::Pattern class template. Each NArrayhas an associated pattern, which can be queried with the .pattern() method. The pattern is set when the NArray is created and a user-defined pattern can be specified explicitly:

dash::Pattern<2> pat = ...
dash::Matrix<2,int> mat(pat);

A pattern's job is to provide the mapping between local and global index spaces, taking into account data distribution and memory layout. This functionality is needed by the NArray and the other DASH containers for accessing and iterating over their elements. Note that In contrast to a container, a pattern is independent of an element type. Its construction is not a collective operation and does not cause any global memory allocation.

DASH offers several types of predefined data distribution patterns. The most basic pattern is the blocked pattern, where each unit holds one or more contiguous blocks of elements. A blocked pattern can be instantiated using the dash::Pattern class template.

// 2D pattern, blocked in the first dimension
dash::Pattern<2> pat1(16, 10, dash::BLOCKED, dash::NONE);

// 2D pattern, blocked in the second dimension
dash::Pattern<2> pat2(16, 10, dash::NONE, dash::BLOCKED);

// 2D default blocked pattern
dash::Pattern<2> pat3(16,10); // same as pat1

Per default the pattern is blocked (dash::BLOCKED) in the first dimension and there is no distribution in the other dimensions (dash::NONE). Two examples for a blocked pattern are shown in Fig. \ref{fig:blocked_pattern}. In both cases, the pattern specifies a two-dimensional $16\times 10$ index space that is distributed over four units. In the left example, the first dimension is specified as dash::BLOCKED while no distribution is requested in the second dimension, so each unit receives 4 complete rows. In the second example, the blocking is done over the second dimension. Note that the block size is determined by dividing the number of columns by the number of units and rounding up to the next integer. So the number of block columns in this example is $\left \lceil{10/4}\right \rceil = 3$ and the last unit (unit 3) is underfilled.

Two simple examples for a $16 \times 10$ DASH blocked pattern, with blocking over the rows (left) or columns (right).\label{fig:blocked_pattern}

More details on the DASH pattern concept can be found in Sect. xxx.

Accessing Elements

The individual elements of a NArray can be accessed in one of the following ways:

  • By specifying N coordinate values, e.g., mat[i][j][k] and mat(i,j,k).
  • By using a linear index, e.g., mat.elem(33).
  • By dereferencing an iterator, e.g., *(mat.begin()).

Access using Coordinates

An element in an N-dimensional array mat can be accessed by specifying its N-dimensional coordinate vector $(i_0,i_1,\dots,i_{N-1})$. Naturally, all coordinate values must be within the allowed range for each dimension, i.e., $0\leq{}i_k<$ mat.extent(k).

To compute the sum of all elements in a three-dimensional matrix one could for example use the following loop nest:

for( auto i=0; i<mat.extent(0); i++ ) {
  for( auto j=0; j<mat.extent(1); j++ ) {
    for( auto k=0; k<mat.extent(2); k++ ) {

Note that mat[i][j][k] is interpreted as ((mat[i])[j])[k]. From left to right, each application of a subscript operator returns a matrix view with a dimension reduced by one until the last subscript operates on a one-dimensional view and returns a global reference to the requested element (see Sect. xxx for a discussion of global references).

Another and potentially more efficient way to access an element is to directly specify the coordinates in Fortran style by using round brackets in the form mat(i, j, k), which yields the same element as mat[i][j][k]. Besides N individual coordinates, the coordinate vector can be also be specified as a std::array of length N or by using an initializer list with N arguments. The same forms of input are also supported for the .at() method. The difference is that .at performs a range check on each access and throws an xxx exception if an out-of-bounds condition is encountered. The following example illustrates these options to access a matrix using coordinates.

dash::Matrix<int, 3> mat(10, 10, 10);

int i=2, j=3, k=5;
std::array<int, 3> coords = {i, j, k};

auto r1 = mat[i][j][k];      // chained subscripts

auto r2 =, j, k);   // N arguments
auto r3 =;    // std::array
auto r4 ={i, j, k}); // initializer list

auto r5 = mat(i, j, k);      // N arguments
auto r6 = mat(coords);       // std::array
auto r7 = mat({i, j, k});    // initializer list

Access with Linear Indices and Iterators

The elements in a DASH NArray mat can be accessed in their linearized storage order by using the mat.elem(gidx) method. gidx is a global linear index with $0\leq{}$ gidx $<$ mat.size(). The following example initializes all elements of a two-dimensional NArray to their position in the linear storage order.

// 2D pattern, 8 rows and 5 columns
dash::Pattern<2, dash::ROW_MAJOR> pat1(8, 5); // row major
dash::Pattern<2, dash::COL_MAJOR> pat2(8, 5); // column major

dash::Matrix <int, 2, ...> mat1(pat1);
dash::Matrix <int, 2, ...> mat2(pat2);

if( myid==0 ) {
  // set the i-th element in the respective storage order to 'i'
  for(int i=0; i<mat1.size(); ++i ) { mat1.elem(i)=i; } @\warn@
  for(int i=0; i<mat2.size(); ++i ) { mat2.elem(i)=i; } @\warn@

//   mat1:                mat2:
//   0  1  2  3  4        0  8  16 24 32
//   5  6  7  8  9        1  9  17 25 33
//   10 11 12 13 14       2  10 18 26 34
//   15 16 17 18 19       3  11 19 27 35
//   20 21 22 23 24       4  12 20 28 36
//   25 26 27 28 29       5  13 21 29 37
//   30 31 32 33 34       6  14 22 30 38
//   35 36 37 38 39       7  15 23 31 39

A similar linear iteration over all elements in a matrix can be achieved using the iterator interface. In analogy to the container classes offered by the STL the DASH containers offer iterator types and the ability to walk over the elements contained in the matrix. For example:

using matrix_t = dash::Matrix<int, 2>;
matrix_t mat(20, 10);

// search for '42' staring from the back
bool found = false;
for (matrix_t::reverse_iterator it = mat.rbegin();
     it != mat.rend(); ++it) { @\warn@
  if ((*it) == 0) {
    found = true; break;

// set all elements to 0, starting from the front
for (matrix_t::iterator it = mat.begin(); it != mat.end(); ++it) {
  (*it) = 0;

Working with Local Data

DASH provides distributed data structures where each processing unit can conveniently access any data element. However, accessing remote data may require significantly more time and energy than working on locally stored data. This is true in distributed memory systems, where data has to be transmitted over a network connection, but the same consideration also holds on shared memory NUMA systems, where memory access times depend on data placement. To efficiently support both NUMA and distributed memory systems, DASH thus offers a strong notion of data locality. Each element in a container has a well defined owning unit and it is straightforward to implement the so-called owner-computes pattern, where several units collectively operate on a container, each one handling its locally stored elements. Data distribution patterns (see Sec. xxx ) define the home location for each element when a DASH container is instantiated.

To determine if an element is local to the calling unit, the method is_local() is available. is_local() can be used with global references and global pointers and returns whether the referenced object resides in the calling unit's local memory. For example, in the following code fragment all units iterate over all elements in an NArray matrix, but only the owning unit prints a line stating its ownership.

auto myid = dash::myid();
dash::Matrix<int, 2> matrix(8, 15);

for (int i = 0; i < matrix.extent(0); i++) {
  for (int j = 0; j < matrix.extent(1); j++) {
    if (matrix(i, j).is_local()) {
      cout << "Element (" << i << "," << j << ") is "
           << "owned by me! (unit " << myid << ")" << std::endl;

// prints the following:
// Element (0,0) is owned by me! (unit 0)
// Element (2,0) is owned by me! (unit 1)
// Element (4,0) is owned by me! (unit 2)
// ...

Note that while this approach realizes the owner-computes pattern, it is not very efficient, since each unit inspects all elements and only then finds out whether to print a message or not. A more effective way to exploit data locality is to only iterate over the locally stored elements in the first place. In DASH this can be achieved constructing a container's local view using the .local specifier. Using.local` on a container restricts the access to only those elements that are local to a unit and, since global pointers and references are no longer needed in the purely local setting, instead of returning a global reference, a regular C++ reference to the element is returned when using the local view:

dash::Matrix <double, 2> mat(8,15);
mat.local(0,0) = 33;    // set element at local coordinates (0,0) to 33

auto loc = mat.local;   // this unit's local view on the matrix
loc(1,1) = foo();       // set local elem (1,1) to result of foo()
cout << loc.elem(5);    // print the sixth local element

// get the address of the first local element
double *ptr = &(loc.elem(0));

It is important to note that when using the local view specifier, all coordinates and indices used to access elements have local meaning as well. I.e., mat.local.elem(0) is the first element stored locally,{3,5}) is the element with local coordinates $(3,5)$, etc. Other than the different semantics, the same element access operations that are available for global addressing can also be used for the local view, including iterator-based access.

Since iterating over all locally stored elements is a common operation, the dash::NArray template class offers a shorthand to get the local begin and end iterators: mat.lbegin() is short for mat.local.begin() and mat.lend() is short for mat.local.end(). Naturally these iterators can be used with C++ 11 range-based for loops:

// set all my local elements to my DASH unit ID
for( auto it=mat.lbegin(); it!=mat.lend(); ++it ) {

// print local portion of the matrix using a range-based loop
for( auto el : mat.local )
  cout<<el<<" ";

Fig.~xxx shows an example for global and local addressing. Here, a $(7 \times 4)$ matrix of char elements is distributed cyclic by rows among three units. The global view is identical for all units and allows element access by global coordinates or global index. For example mat(1,3) is the same as mat.elem(7) and resolves to element 'h'. The local view is different for each unit so that mat.local(1,3) takes on the values 'p', 't', or 'x' for unit 0, 1, and 2, respectively.

Should it become necessary to manually map between local and global indices or coordinates, the container's pattern can be used. For example, the global index for a unit's first local matrix element can be determined as follows: gidx = mat.pattern().global(0). See Sect.~xxx for more information on the mapping functions offered by a pattern.

Delayed Allocation

Data Distribution Patterns